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If you or someone you know is in immediate danger:
Connect with a confidential staff member by calling:
Make an anonymous report
If you wish to report anonymously, use the Maxient form but do not enter your name, contact information, or any other identifying information.
The university is committed to respecting the wishes of those who choose to report anonymously and will pursue steps to mitigate the effects of the alleged harassment or misconduct and prevent its recurrence. However, in certain cases where anonymous reports contain information about significant threats to the health and safety of an individual or the campus community, the University may take steps to attempt to identify the source of the report. This may include reports of use of weapons, threats of violence or property damage, intentionally false reports or the intention to harm self or others.
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Title IX
Title IX is a federal statute that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, which has been interpreted to include gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. Under Title IX, all members of the University of Oregon community—students, faculty, staff, applicants for admission, and applicants for employment—are protected from gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence.