What is Title IX?
Title IX is a federal statute that prohibits discrimination, harassment, and retaliation on the basis of sex in any term or condition of employment in higher education and in educational benefits, opportunities, and access. This includes a prohibition against all forms of sexual harassment, sexual violence, and sex and gender discrimination. Title IX applies to students, faculty, and employees.
How does Title IX apply to sexual violence?
Sexual violence is an extreme form of sexual harassment that has the effect of denying individuals access to educational benefits and opportunities on the basis of sex. Title IX protects students, faculty, and employees from discrimination, and works in coordination with other university policies and state laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex or gender.
Does Title IX only affect students?
No, all members of the University of Oregon community – students, faculty, staff, applicants for admission, and applicants for employment as well as individuals that utilize campus for activities and programs (community members) – are protected from gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence under Title IX.
Who can I talk to about a Title IX concern?
The university is committed to supporting complainants, providing fair processes to resolve complaints, and responding with compassion and prompt attention to complaints. Students are NOT required to provide additional information about the incident or participate in a university investigation in order to receive services. Our goal is to provide all students with information on reporting options so they can make an informed decision.
Make a Report
The decision to report and when to do so is always up to you. The university encourages reports to be made in close proximity to the incident even though reports can be made to the university, confidential staff, and law enforcement at any time. To learn more, visit the Make a Report page.
Talk to a confidential resource
A confidential resource means that information shared is protected by federal and state laws and cannot be shared without your explicit permission. You are welcome to contact one of the university’s confidential resources to learn about your reporting options, available support services, and resources.
Contact our team
The investigations office strives to respond to and resolve all reports in a prompt and equitable manner while providing support to all affected parties. If you are unsure of how to proceed or would like to learn more about investigation processes, you can request a consult or contact our office at oicrc@uoregon.edu.
For questions about Title IX or its implementation, you can also consult with the following university officials:
- Legal Issues: Office of the General Counsel
- Survivor Considerations and Best Practices: Director of the Care and Advocacy Program
Meet the Title IX Coordinator
As the Title IX coordinator, Nicole Commissiong is responsible for coordinating the university’s efforts to prevent and respond to sexual assault in compliance with Title IX. She oversees all programs and processes that may involve gender or sex equity issues, including sexual assault prevention programs; crisis and risk management responses; pay disparity issues (in partnership with the UO’s Office of Human Resources); communication between the UO and law enforcement, the district attorney’s office, the city, the Eugene Police Department, the University of Oregon Police Department, and Sexual Assault Support Services; and all related investigators and investigations.
Commissiong and the deputy Title IX coordinators are available to students, faculty, employees, and the university community for questions about Title IX, reporting a Title IX-related concern, and discussing Title IX reporting obligations.
Contact Nicole:
*Designated Reporter

Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Deputy Title IX Coordinators serve an integral function in supporting the work of the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance among various constituencies and across campuses. Reports of gender discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence can be made directly to Deputy Title IX Coordinators. They are also available to assist with training on Title IX reporting obligations and can serve as a resource for questions about Title IX and resources both on and off campus.