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Pregnancy- and family-related resources.2

Pregnancy and Parenting-Related Resources

Consistent with Title IX, the University provides pregnant and parenting students with accommodations related to pregnancy (including false pregnancy and loss of pregnancy), childbirth, and lactation. Students are invited to request accommodations for their own pregnancy, for childbirth, and for lactation support. Unless otherwise requested, where a student is seeking pregnancy-related accommodations that impact attendance, coursework, and/or exams, faculty will be notified of a student's request for accommodations in order to facilitate implementation of the request.

Pregnancy is not a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). However, students with pregnancy-related complications (such as serious health conditions) or other conditions that constitute a disability, including complications that arise postpartum or exacerbation of an existing impairment due to pregnancy, may be eligible for reasonable accommodations and services through the Accessible Education Center (AEC). OICRC will refer students to and coordinate with the AEC, as appropriate, to ensure students' pregnancy and postpartum related accommodations needs are met.

In addition, the University prohibits discrimination and harassment based on familial status. Students who believe they have experienced discrimination or harassment due to being pregnant or to their familial or parenting status are encouraged to report their concerns at this site.

Below you will find links to helpful resources, as well as a Student Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations Request Form. This form should be used to requset pregnancy and parenting accommodations for students, including Graduate Employees, related to pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation.

Support Resources

Childcare Resources

Other Resources

Information and Regulations


Support resources and Accommodations

Request pregnancy-related accommodations: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?UnivofOregon&layout_id=108

Lactation support resources: https://hr.uoregon.edu/lactation-support-programs



UO Childcare subsidy: https://basicneeds.uoregon.edu/childcare-and-family

Moss Street Children’s Center: https://moss.uoregon.edu/

Vivian Olum Child Development Center: https://olum.uoregon.edu/

Co-op Family Center: https://www.coopfamilycenter.org/



News for student parents: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/nontrad/parent-news/

Local family resources: https://graduatestudies.uoregon.edu/campus-life/eugene/families

UO campus family-friendly map: https://map.uoregon.edu/s/family-friendly

Family resources in Portland: https://graduatestudies.uoregon.edu/campus-life/portland/families

Lane County Family Mediation Family Check-Up Service: https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/blogs.uoregon.edu/dist/5/9637/files/2013/06/FCU-Flyer-0219162-1ifjxrg.pdf



“Discrimination Based on Pregnancy and Related Conditions, A Resources for Students and Schools” under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/ocr-pregnancy-resource.pdf